IPA competition 2015

Again I received an honorable mention from the International Photography Awards for my entry ‘White Lilacs’ in the category Fine Art / Still Life Professional.

The Antik Shop

Eindhoven, the Netherlands. This photo was made with a Kodak Retina IIa camera and a Rodenstock Heligon 50mm f:2 lens on to 24 x 36 mm color negative film.

The Five Birches

Oirschot, the Netherlands. Exposure on to 60 x 60 mm color film using a Hasselblad 500 c camera.

Three Autumn Asters

This photograph was made with a Plaubel Supra 4x5 inch camera with a Hugo Meyer Helioplan 165 mm f:4.5 lens. Exposing 9x12 cm photographic black & white paper, colored by hand.

The Harbour

Boulogne Sur Mer, France. These photographs were made with a Nikon F camera and a Nikkor 50mm. f:1.4 lens on 24 x 36 mm. color negative film.

Pine Forrest

Achel, Belgium. This photo was made with a Voigtländer Bessa 64 camera and a Heliar 75 mm f:3.5 lens on to 6 x 4 cm color negative film.

Greenhouse with roofs

Geldrop, the Netherlands. This photo was made with a Hasselblad 500cm camera and a Calr Zeiss Planar 80 mm. f:2.8 lens on to 6 x 6 cm. color negative film.

International Photography Awards

I received an honorable mention from the International Photography Awards for my entry 'MILK JAR WITH DANDELION AND CHAIN' in the category Fine Art / Still Life.

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